
The Grand Canyon Trust is a nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to conserving the resources, both natural and cultural, of the Grand Canyon and the surrounding Colorado Plateau Region. We work to protect the Plateau's remarkable beauty and pristine landscapes. At the same time, we believe it is possible and necessary to sustain a balance between economies and ecosystems. The Trust fosters the efforts of individuals, groups, communities, and governments on the Plateau to achieve this balance. Sustainable economy, sustainable environment. Our vision is of a region where people and all of nature can thrive in productive harmony.


Our members are the Grand Canyon Trust's most important asset. We want our members to stay with the Trust over the long haul. We will not inundate you with constant requests for money. We will not have a paid solicitor call you on the telephone. We will ask you to renew your membership each year and to support the Trust in our spring and year end appeals. As a member of the Grand Canyon Trust you will receive two issues of our journal, the Colorado Plateau Advocate, and four issues of our newsletter, the Advocate Express. As well as, action alerts and membership trips and outings.









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Annual $25 Guardian $250
Defender $35 Patron $500
Protector $50 Limited Income $15
John Wesley Powell Society $1000
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Copyright © Grand Canyon Trust, 1997, all rights reserved. This publication and its text and photos may not be copied for
commercial use without the express written permission of the Grand Canyon Trust, info@grandcanyontrust.org.